Prima era OFA, organizing for America. Adesso è OFA, organizing for action. Una sola parola, lo stesso acronimo, per segnare il passaggio alla fase due della macchina organizzativa e di mobilitazione a supporto della presidenza Obama.
"Il nostro impegno non si è esaurito nell'Election Day - si legge nella piattaforma dedicata - dobbiamo supportare l'agenda legislativa che abbiamo votato, formare la prossima generazione di grassroots people, volontari e leader, e organizzare le nostre comunità".
Già, grassroots. Una delle parole che più mi affascinano della variante democratica d'oltreoceano. Che parla di movimenti dal basso, che racconta di quella democrazia, tutta americana, basata sul door to door, che lavora sul concetto di vicinato, tra un barbecue e una serata musicale.
Ed è una splendente Michelle, con tanto di nuovo look, a dare il via alla nuova era della macchina obamiana.
Mi sono iscritta subito (esattamente come nel 2008) e questa è la risposta:
Hi --
Thanks for saying you’re in for the next phase of our grassroots movement.
I’m Jon Carson, and I'll be the executive director of Organizing for Action. I’m excited to get the chance to work with you as we set out to finish what we started.
Over the next four years, we’ve got an incredible opportunity to keep moving this country forward. This grassroots movement has shown time and again that ordinary people have the power to change our country if we work together to do it.
So locally and nationally, OFA will fight for our shared values on issues like immigration reform, climate change, gun violence, balanced deficit reduction, and more.
We’ll be working with you and other supporters to write a plan for 2013. This organization will be volunteer-led, always guided by the core principles of "respect, empower, include."
That starts now. Make sure your friends and family know about Organizing for Action, and ask them to add their names now to get involved:
Thanks so much for being a part of this. See you in the field.
Mi sono iscritta subito (esattamente come nel 2008) e questa è la risposta:
Hi --
Thanks for saying you’re in for the next phase of our grassroots movement.
I’m Jon Carson, and I'll be the executive director of Organizing for Action. I’m excited to get the chance to work with you as we set out to finish what we started.
Over the next four years, we’ve got an incredible opportunity to keep moving this country forward. This grassroots movement has shown time and again that ordinary people have the power to change our country if we work together to do it.
So locally and nationally, OFA will fight for our shared values on issues like immigration reform, climate change, gun violence, balanced deficit reduction, and more.
We’ll be working with you and other supporters to write a plan for 2013. This organization will be volunteer-led, always guided by the core principles of "respect, empower, include."
That starts now. Make sure your friends and family know about Organizing for Action, and ask them to add their names now to get involved:
Thanks so much for being a part of this. See you in the field.
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